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FSVC Update – August 2024


Lesotho: Promoting Good Governance

FSVC training on public procurement and beneficial ownership for government officials, civil society organizations, and micro-,small-, and medium-sized enterprises, Maseru, Lesotho. June 2024.

With support from the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), FSVC is working to strengthen anti-corruption efforts and procedures in Southern Africa. The program aims to enhance transparency and accountability by building the public financial management capacity of key government institutions and enhancing government and civil society oversight capabilities to minimize fraud, waste, and abuse of state resources.

In collaboration with Democracy Works Foundation, FSVC recently conducted a series of trainings in Lesotho on public procurement and beneficial ownership for government officials, civil society organizations, and micro-, small- and medium-sized enterprises. Representatives from the Directorate on Corruption and Economic Offences and the Ministry of Finance’s Public Procurement Policy Advisory Division presented key aspects of the new Public Procurement Act of Lesotho. The trainings highlighted the importance of clean procurement practices and beneficial ownership transparency for good governance and to combat corruption. Participants discussed case studies and engaged in exercises to deepen their understanding of these principles and the public procurement legal framework.

FSVC remains committed to assisting Lesotho in the implementation of reforms to strengthen the integrity of public institutions and promote good governance.

Niger: Boosting Local Agribusiness Capacity

FSVC’s small grants program launch event for organizations active in agribusiness and agri-food processing,

Maradi and Tillabery, Niger. June 2024.

With funding from the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), in Niger, FSVC is building the capacity of local organizations active in agribusiness and agri-food processing to strengthen resilience at the community level. With nearly 85% of Niger’s population relying on agriculture for their livelihood and the sector contributing 40% to the country’s GDP, this work has the potential to produce meaningful improvements in the lives of Nigerien citizens.

This month, FSVC launched a small grants program for nine member organizations participating in its agribusiness incubators in Maradi and Tillabery. Over the next four months, these organizations will put into practice what they have learned from FSVC trainings on project management, monitoring, and communications. They plan to implement a number of exciting projects, including promoting climate-resilient agriculture and agribusinesses, and helping women peanut processors improve their marketing, among others.

Stay connected through FSVC’s LinkedIn and upcoming newsletters to learn more about these projects and the participating organizations!

Senegal and Mauritania: Engaging Women in Security and Peacebuilding

FSVC’s trainings on women’s participation in security discussions in the Senegal-Mauritania border region, 

Rosso, Boghe, Kaedi, and Selibabi, Mauritania. June 2024

With support from the U.S. Department of State, FSVC is working in Senegal and Mauritania to provide increased opportunities for women to participate in security efforts in the Senegal-Mauritania border region.

As part of this initiative, FSVC, in collaboration with its local partner ADICOR in Mauritania, recently conducted workshops across four regions near the border with Senegal. These workshops aimed to validate findings and recommendations from an FSVC-developed field assessment of women’s participation in security discussions and opportunities to enhance their role in security-related issues. Key stakeholders included local authorities, women-led Support and Monitoring Committees, regional services, and Security and Defense Forces. As a result of these discussions, stakeholders developed recommendations for areas of capacity building, awareness raising and collaboration. These recommendations will inform the program’s next steps, with the ultimate goal of fostering greater inclusion of women in enhancing security and promoting peace within Mauritanian border communities.

FSVC is committed to continuing this crucial work on the Mauritania-Senegal border, empowering women and youth to play an active role in community security efforts.

High – Level Meeting with the General Prosecutor’s Office of Tajikistan

High-level meeting with representatives from the General Prosecutor’s Office of Tajikistan at FSVC’s NY office,

New York, USA. June 2024.

FSVC recently met with investigators and prosecutors from the General Prosecutor’s Office of Tajikistan in New York to discuss FSVC’s anti-money laundering and counter-terrorism financing work and to receive recommendations for strengthening this initiative throughout the country. FSVC President & CEO Andy Spindler and Managing Director Chad Kilbourne presented on the capacity building efforts that FSVC has been undertaking with the National Bank of Tajikistan’s Financial Monitoring Department, the country’s Financial Intelligence Unit. They also highlighted ongoing needs, emphasizing the necessity of inter-agency collaboration.

FSVC looks forward to the opportunity to collaborate with representatives from the General Prosecutor’s Office to advance efforts to combat money laundering and terrorist financing in Tajikistan.