Since 2011, FSVC has provided technical and policy assistance to strengthen the financial sector, promote entrepreneurship and spur job creation in Tunisia.

Key FSVC indicators for Tunisia:


Projects Completed


People Impacted

$ 7,649,200

Donated Services

Past Programs

FSVC's works with non-bank financial service providers and the government to support greater access to finance for SMEs in Tunisia.
In 2019, FSVC launched a project to build the capacity of the Chambers of Commerce (CoCs) of Tunisia to serve as major drivers of local development and investment within their communities.
FSVC and local partner, ATCP, implemented a program to increase transparency and accountability in Tunisia.
FSVC is helping to build capacity at the Financial Intelligence Unit (FIU) in Tunisia.
FSVC helped mobilize domestic resources and promote transparency and accountability in public finances in Egypt and Tunisia.
FSVC conducted a program to strengthen SME access to finance through improvements in the venture capital sector, financial institution practices and the legal and regulatory framework.
Office Contact
Moez Dalloua, Regional Director