FSVC received grant from USAID in 2007 to address the objectives of strengthening financial sector regulations, broadening and deepening the range of financial sector products available in the market, enhancing the efficiency of financial processes and advising financial institutions on optimal ways to cater to the financial needs of the private sector.


Over a 4 year period, FSVC delivered training programs and consultations to practitioners at the Ministry of Investment, Central Bank of Egypt, Capital Markets Authority and the Cairo and Alexandria Stock Exchanges with the purpose of strengthening Egypt’s financial sector so that it is better able to intermediate financial flows, more attuned to the needs of private sector investors and borrowers and more attractive to local and foreign providers of capital.

Program Impact

  • FSVC supported the Egyptian Banking Institute (EBI) – the official training arm of the Central Bank of Egypt (CBE) – in offering the curricula of the four core schools of the FDIC bank examination program to CBE examiners. This resulted in a more uniform, better trained and qualified CBE staff base, and thus a safer and more stable banking sector.
  • FSVC helped the EBI organize study tours for its flagship Future Leaders Program for two consecutive years. These Future Leaders traveled to the U.S. to visit key financial and non-financial institutions to learn more about international banking practices, regulations, and operations first hand.
  • FSVC supported the Cairo and Alexandria Stock Exchanges in the publication of laws and regulations relating to the creation of the small-cap stock exchange, which was launched in October 2007.
  • FSVC facilitated a training program on derivatives to officials from the Cairo and Alexandria Stock Exchanges, Capital Markets Authority and Ministry of Investment, resulting in the establishment of an efficient and effective deliverables market.
  • FSVC delivered consultations to the Ministry of Investment on developing the conceptual, legal and regulatory framework for the creation of a commodities exchange in Egypt.