FSVC is looking for volunteer experts to build the capacity of a Central Bank Supervision Department in Europe, to develop an Internal Liquidity Adequacy Assessment Process (ILAAP) framework for banks. Currently, the Central Bank has adopted the EU Capital Requirements Directives and has already implemented Pillar I. It also has developed requirements for banks to prepare Internal Capital Adequacy Assessment Process, and is now seeking for two volunteer experts who could introduce them with the requirements for ILAAP.
Excellent knowledge of the EU CRD/Basel framework is required. Practical experience within a Central Bank and/or supervisory authority in implementing Pillar II, with a focus on liquidity/ILAAP is essential.
If you are interested in volunteering with FSVC on this assignment, please contact Mabela Ismailaga, +1-917-231-2903 | mismailaga@fsvc.org