FSVC has worked in Algeria since 2008, on programs ranging from banking supervision to entrepreneurship and public financial management.
Key FSVC indicators for Algeria
Projects Completed
People Impacted
Donated Services
Current Programs
FSVC is implementing a program to strengthen budget transparency and oversight, with U.S. Embassy in Algeria and the U.S. Department of State funding.
Past Programs
FSVC launched a program to assist the Government of Algeria (GoA) in increasing budget transparency and oversight on the use of public resources, and citizen participation in the budget process.
FSVC’s program “Djazairup” aims to strengthen the capacity of local startups in key areas including financial management and marketing.
From 2008 to 2011, FSVC implemented a regional program funded by MEPI to establish international standards in banking supervision, including in Algeria.
Office Contact
Moez Dalloua, Regional Director
Résidence le Rêve
Appt N°B1-2
Rue du Lac Huron
1030, Tunis
Les Berges du Lac
Appt N°B1-2
Rue du Lac Huron
1030, Tunis
Les Berges du Lac
(T) +216 71 964 368
(E) mdalloua@fsvc.org